What Happens If You Don’t Service Your Car?

If You Don’t Service Your Car Regularly?

Is taking care of your car really that important?

Servicing a car seems like an expense, but the potential costs of damage due to the lack of servicing and the lack of maintenance are much greater. Regular servicing is important even if the service light isn’t on. Each car has its own defined time period to get serviced. Car regular or periodic maintenance services helps to provide longer vehicle life. And the best people to know these specific needs are car servicing stations and their expert technicians.

Most damages that arise out of a lack of servicing are not apparent but they end up costing us a lot more than the cosmetic ones. Let’s take a look at some of these issues that haunt you if you leave your car un-serviced.

What Happens If Don’t Perform Regular or Periodic Car Maintenance Services

Breakdowns Increase

To keep your car performing at its optimal level, regular servicing is a necessity. This ensures the breakdowns are less likely and a lot less frequent. To avoid untimely damages to your car, keeping it healthy is a prerequisite.

Poor Fuel Economy

Many factors affect the fuel economy including engine performance, tyre pressure, and many others. Improper care and infrequent servicing lead to parts getting damaged, which in turn leads to increased fuel consumption. The end result? Expensive commuting.

Reduced Resale Value

Who would want to buy a car with poor performance? The resale value of your car decreases if it’s not in a good condition. Irregular gaps in the service history also decreases the resale value and hence consistent servicing is necessary.

Shortened Lifespan

Giving your car regular health checkups will help to maintain its performance and lifespan. On the other hand, neglecting the health will have multiple negative impacts, one being shortened lifespan due to the increased and unchecked breakdowns.

Put Yourself at Risk

Most important of all, when you drive a car with a bad servicing history, it may have sustained a lot of damages already. This will endanger you as well as the passengers inside and in the most unfortunate case, an innocent pedestrian. All this could be easily avoided by servicing your car on time.

Regular maintenance can also reveal hidden damages that take place slowly. These can damage your car severely in the long run and the repairs may cost a fortune. All arguments apart, your life matters the most. To avoid any kind of risk, your car’s health should always be a priority. Communicate with your service center, learn how to take care of your car and avoid damages. Drive safe, be safe!

Contact Tserv to do regular car maintenance services at an affordable price.

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Other Cities: Faridabad, Noida, Gurugram, Thane, Greater Noida

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